Doctrinal Statement

The Bible. We believe that the Bible, composed of the sixty six books of the Old and New Testaments, is inspired of God by verbal, plenary inspiration; is inerrant in the original autographic, and is the supreme and final authority in faith, practice, and all other areas of its teachings including those historical, prophetic and scientific.

The Trinity.  We believe in one God, eternally existing in three persons—The Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit—who created all else from nothing.

The Son.  We believe that Jesus Christ is God the Son, the Second Person of the Divine Trinity; that He was begotten of the Holy Spirit and born of the Virgin Mary, and that He is true God and true man; and that He is the only and sufficient Mediator between God and man.

The Holy Spirit.  We believe in the personality of the Holy Spirit, the Third Person of the Divine Trinity, and that He convicts the world of sin, regenerates the sinner, baptizes, indwells, guides, instructs, and empowers all believers for godly living and service.

Man.  We believe that man was created in the image of God, that he disobeyed, and thereby incurred both spiritual and physical death; consequently, all men are sinners by nature and practice, and are in need of regeneration without which they are eternally lost.

The Church.  We believe that the universal Church, founded at Pentecost, consists of all true believers, and that local churches should be established according to Scripture for the purposes of worship, instruction, mutual edification, and worldwide witness.

Salvation.  We believe that the substitutionary death and bodily resurrection of Jesus Christ provides the only ground for justification, that personal faith in Him is the only condition for salvation, and that the true believer is redeemed eternally.

Eschatology.  We believe that the resurrected Christ ascended into heaven and now appears before the Father as our Advocate.  We look forward to His personal, bodily, visible, pre-millennial return.

Judgment.  We believe in the bodily resurrection of both the saved and the lost; the saved unto everlasting blessedness in perfect union with Christ, and the lost unto everlasting punishment separated from God.